Mammy's Website

Friday, 22 July 2011

End of School Holidays

Well the winter school holidays are nearly over, yet again and do I sound like a broken record "where did that go?".

We spent a week of the holidays up in Perth babysitting my two nephews Jack and Benjamin, while my brother Wayne and his wife Joanne had some time out in Melbourne (not that I envy Melbourne this time of the year) way too cold for me.

My two daugthers, Georgina, Victoria and I planned to get at least a few crafts done on the holidays....ho hum!! However, we have put a strategy in place and have dedicated specific days and times to achieving that, otherwise as always time gets gobbled up with everything else but...

The farm is now brilliant shades of yellow as the apple orchard starts loosing it's leaves and we slowly start seeing our neighbours roofs and sheds. We still however desperately need more rain. The water tanks thank goodness are full with the help this year of putting piping on the machinery shed to feed into the tanks, but the dams are still way down and very much a concern. When you start hearing baby lambs in the distant you know that Spring is not that far away.

Slowly but surely am getting bits and pieces up on the website, so do be patient and visit often. Do not forget to have a look at my links (which I am also trying to get more on) as these are sites I highly recommend.

Well better be away, it is a cold, wet, winters Friday night and we have roast for Dinner (not that roasts are my forteit) but they are an Aussie favourite.

Till next time, God Bless xxx


Jackie said...

Can't wait for Spring to arrive as I'm really over this cold foggy and very wet winter. Hope that Spring will bring rain to you guys.

Vicki from Mammy's Choice said...

Thanks Jackie. It certainly has been a cold one this year. When reading your blog the other day it is interesting to see how you wait till the afternoon for that bit of sunshine, over here it is the opposite, have to get it done in the morning if there is sunshine because by two in the afternoon the weather has set in. Must say I remember growing up with the Spring rains, it does seem a long time since they were regular event, so lets hope. Hope it warms up a bit more for you over there. Take care x

Bev C said...

Hello Vicki,

Fingers crossed you get lots more rain. We had a very foggy day here it didn't lift until about midday. Looking forward to Spring too.
Happy days.