Mammy's Website

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The New Year

Well, it is certainly hard to believe that 2012 has finally arrived and that Christmas was a week ago.............either I am getting too old and time is whizzing by or time is really going faster.  Alas, with the New Year arriving so has my birthday and I still cannot believe that I am now 51.  Though mentally I do not feel half a century, some days the body certainly feels it.  I would guess there are many of us that feel the same way, not only in getting older but at the speed of which time passes.

2011 November Fair
So what is every one's New Year Resolutions???  If it is anything like my is way toooooo long and some of the same old things keep re-appearing from the year before..oh and the year before that ....(funny that).  Well at least I guess we keep trying!  Along with the normal of losing weight (my biggest bug bearer) I really need to get dear old Mammy's running more consistently.  I remember one of my Uni Lecturers saying to me once "Vicki if I had to mark you on Time Management, you would fail dismally"  I am a true shocker.  Do you know how many courses I have taken on this embarrassed to say.  I get so angry with myself, seriously.  Something always seems to come la la you know the rest and how it goes.

Well, I am going to put myself out there now.  One way you will be able to tell how I am going is following this blog and see how much I keep it updated!!!  Should be interesting and feel free to make a comment on here......that will keep me on my toes.

Anyway all that aside! (for now anyway) Keep an eye open on the web-page and here if I can work out how to use it properly as we are going to have an enormous clean out of the storage shed of Mammy's.  Items will be listed in the "Bargain Box" section of the site.  I am also looking at using Facebook as another option, Ebay and Etzy.

I do want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been following my blog, it is so much appreciated, especially considering it has extended drought periods as to when postings are made.

I hope that 2012 fulfils many of your dreams and here is hoping to a blessed, safe and successful year.

Till next posting
Vicki xxx

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Happy New Year Vicki! Good Luck with doing everything you are planning to do. I never make New Years resolutions. I find it far too hard to follow through!